“An animal fantasy which will inevitably be compared to Charlotte’s Web…a splendid book.”



(Disclaimer: Some of you may know this book as The Sheep Pig. I live in America, so I’m using the American title. Also, the movie was a favorite of mine when I was young, so I might be a little biased.)

Inevitably, this book will be compared to Charlotte’s Web. I can see the similarities, but really, not every kid’s book with a pig will live up to those standards.

The farmer’s wife’s dialogue is written in an authentic accent. It could be a blessing or curse—a blessing because it adds to the realism of the story. A curse because it could confuse someone who’s not familiar with that manner of speaking.

The characters are pretty well-developed. The title character is a little one-sided, but hey, this is meant for children. So I can excuse that.

The end was a little too neat and perfect, but again, for the target audience it’s just right.

So who is the target audience, anyway?
There are three.
1. Most obviously, young children.
2. Older reluctant readers. As I was reading, I kept thinking how perfect this book would be for my friends and acquaintances who don’t enjoy books!
3. Adults who either read the book or watched the movie when they were younger.


Reviewed by:

Raevyn, aged 14

Added 17th February 2016

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