“Empire State: A Love Story (Or Not) is funny, sweet, geeky and affecting, and definitely worth a read.”



I wanted this book to end differently. As much as I enjoyed the story, I felt let down by the ending. I had hoped that at least Jimmy and Sara would remain friends while living in New York City. Maybe this is an autobiographical novel.

It begins in Oakland, California. Nonetheless, the characters advocated activities that I support: writing letters, going to the library, walking in the park, riding on transportation peacefully, and watching movies in theatres. That sort of lifestyle.

These two seemed to be aware of themselves and each other. Yet, they weren’t content. They recognize their need to grow yet each sees growth at differing speeds and locations.

Sara’s world-wise but she is compassionate towards Jimmy. I appreciate that Sara’s not petite. She’s round in the waist and short all over. Cynical but not yet jaded.

Jimmy’s a momma’s boy who doesn’t have much impact on women romantically or sexually. His father never appears but his mother controls his life and pressures him for grandchildren.

At the end of the story, it seems that Sara will circumnavigate the globe while Jimmy will stay in one place: Oakland, California.


Reviewed by:

Karah Khalia

Added 22nd December 2017

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Karah Khalia