“Stein has taken on a great challenge to break conventional ways of looking at words.”
I admit to a complete ignorance about Gertrude Stein. All I know is she wrote a book called “The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas” and I wished to read it. I managed to filch a copy off the Interweb and read a couple of chapters. I forgot to save it, we had a power cut and that was the end of that.
I tried searching for it in iBooks but I would have had to pay for it. So I searched for a cheap copy online. Nothing doing. I ended up just downloading what I could get for free. This was one of them.
Now, with the little bit that I managed to read of Alice B Toklas, I thought Gertrude Stein’s writing was brilliant. So I attacked this volume with relish. I so wish I hadn’t.