“He has chosen to portray the Trump administration of being run like a “Mob” with the boss wanting everyone to be loyal to him first.”
I wasn’t sure how I would feel about reading this book but I chose to give the man a chance to defend his actions by reading this book and I will never regret that decision.
Put into a impossible position by both parties who would like nothing better than to see his head on a platter, I got not only to listen to how events unfolded during the 2016 elections through the time he was abruptly fired but also I learned a great deal about the man himself and what sort of person he is.
In this work Mr. Comey gives the reader a glimpse into his background, family life and the values accumulated along the way and why he is a true patriot and does put his country first in his loyalties.
There is no doubt that these are troubled times in the United States and per the author’s words it is like a “forest fire”. He has chosen to portray the Trump administration of being run like a “Mob” with the boss wanting everyone to be loyal to him first.
Others might say it’s on the cusp of Fascism, either way it’s not anything close to a democracy. Of course you have to chose for yourself and as long as we still have elections on a timely basis there is always hope.
I did have to investigate into a few things that I questioned that were included in the work and having done that, I am satisfied.
I recommend this work and I appreciate the honesty of this author.
Thank you for serving Mr. Comey, I truly wish that you had been able to remain in your position because I believe in you 100% in your loyalty and truthfulness.
Reviewed by:
Diana S Long
Added 20th May 2018