“Domain is an eye-bugging, white-knuckle flight of a book that hurtles along with the velocity of an asteroid from the ancient world to the twenty-first century on an unforgettable doomsday mission.”
Released in 2001, Domain is the first of three novels in the Domain series by Steve Alten. The story line is based around the Mayan Calendar, and the dreaded December 21, 2012 Doomsday prophecy.
Dominique Vazquez, starts her psychology internship at a psychiatric institute. Her first patient, Michael (Mick) Gabriel, is an intriguing man with a very high IQ. He is also a paranoid schizophrenic, obsessed with the Mayan prophecy. However, Dominique isn’t so sure that Mick is as dangerous, or crazy, as the Director of the institute claims.