“Original and intriguing… an intricate, suspenseful story leading to a dark, twisty denouement.”
Seth Gardner, charismatic, rich and beguiling, holds sway over a group of hand-chosen friends. Hand-chosen for their susceptibilities, their weak-spots and their desires, that ultimately hand him control of their lives. But Seth is not some one-dimensional control freak; far from it. He is a deeply complex character who is caring and generous to his friends, often saving them from themselves. But he has a background that leaves him as vulnerable and unstable as a lost child. All of this means that you can see why they fall over themselves to be the most important person in his life.
The book opens with Seth becoming entranced by Rebecca, an actress playing the role of Ophelia in Hamlet. He persuades her to join his Friday Folly group, where arts and literature are given free rein, along with copious amounts of alcohol.