Darren Shan’s Quickfire Twitter Q&A
Darren Shan is an author I first became aware of through my son reading him, and for him to read anything means that it must be really good. So I picked up the book to have a look and lost four hours of my life, and then most of my cash as I sought out the remaining books in his Cirque du Freak series.
Although born in London, Darren O’Shaughnessy (to give him his proper name) identifies himself as an Irishman after he moved there at the age of six. He writes literature for children, teenagers and adults and he considers his books to be on the macabre side.
Darren Shan’s Quickfire Twitter Q&A is replicated here in its full glory for you to enjoy without the trauma of hunting through dozens of tweets and trying to get them in order; this was such fun and Darren was a real trooper hunting out my Tweets and answering them all, even the really daft ones.