“A memoir, viewed through books…”
I’ve never read a book by an anonymous author before, but the writer here isn’t really anonymous, as she’s someone I follow on Twitter. @bookcunt caught my eye a while ago, she tweets about books a lot and is quite sweary. If her twitter handle offends you, you’re probably not going to like this book, so we’ll weed you out right here.
Apart from the title I had no idea what to expect from this book at all. It’s actually exactly what the author says, A Fucked Up Life in Books, with each chapter, or story associated to the book she was reading at the time.
Now I love literary nods in books. I cannot tell you how much I absolutely adore to hear the name of one of my favourite novels mentioned within a novel that I’m reading, and working on the star scale for how good a book is, one that mentions a previous book that I have read automatically gets an extra star. I also love characters that read and love to read. It stands to reason I suppose that we love to see ourselves mirrored in the novels that we read.