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Submit a Bookshop Review

There’s no denying it, bookshops are struggling and while Amazon and other big online retailers are great for buying books, they aren’t there for expertise and they definitely don’t smell as good! That’s why we created this bookshop section, kind of like a virtual tour of the bookshops in the world. However, I am based in a tiny corner of South Wales and while I would love to travel the world documenting bookshops, it just isn’t possible.

This is where you come in, and why we need you to tell us about the best bookshops around. Submit a bookshop following our guidelines and we’ll add it to our bookshop section. Don’t worry too much if you can’t provide all the information, just fill in as much as you can and I’ll try and do the rest.

Submissions welcome from owners or customers

Whether you’re a bookshop owner or a customer you can submit a shop. Let us know who you are in relation to the business, and we’ll give you full credit on the page.

Information must be submitted in English

Just for practicalities sake. Don’t worry if English isn’t your first language, just do your best and I’ll tidy it up for you.

Reviews must give as much information as you have

We often get emails that say ‘You must feature this bookshop, it’s brilliant’ but unfortunately that isn’t enough for our readers. Tell us why it’s brilliant, include features, and tell us what you know about the shop in your own words. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the information, we can search out opening times and telephone numbers if you don’t have them.

We want your photographs

If you can, please do include any photographs you may have of the bookshop you are submitting, they really are what make the pages such a feature. You can submit as few or as many as you like, there’s no real limit.

Send it to us

Once you’ve filled in as many details as possible, just send it on to us and we’ll feature it on the pages of

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