“A fast-paced romp through the Texas Revolution that feels more like a novel than nonfiction. Kilmeade presents the leaders of the Lone Star State as the flawed and fearless heroes they truly were, and their David and Goliath story that changed American history is riveting reading.”
This is a short, easy to read history of the Texas Revolution. The main subject of the book is Houston. A short biography is rendered and then we are quickly involved in the start of the revolution.
In the town of Gonzalez in Texas there is a canon that was gifted to the town by the Mexican Government so the town.
Could defend itself from attacks by Indians. Now Mexico wants it back because of the unrest amongst the American Settlers who are coming into Texas by the dozens for the promised land and a new start. But the town refuses to return the canon. The famous Come and get it flag is unveiled and a revolution begins.

Houston is put in charge of creating and maintaining the army of Texas so all that subsequently happens is his responsibility. Eventually all roads lead to the Alamo. Short bios of David Crocket, Jim Bowie and William Barrett Travis are here as is a detailed retelling of the Alamo battle.
The book takes us up to the final battle at San Jacinto and a very brief telling of events after that battle including the part Andrew Jackson played to achieve Texas independence.
For those with a thorough knowledge of the revolution, there is really nothing new to learn here For those who know only about The Alamo this is a good way to get the info you want without too much detail. For those persons, I would recommend the book.
Reviewed by:
Richard Franco
Added 21st February 2020