“Quaint, meditative and sometimes dreamy, blankets will take you straight back to your first kiss.”
A beautiful story of first love, interwoven with that of a young man starting to question the faith he has been brought up in. The artwork is excellent, particularly some beautifully intricate panels.
There is a lot of depth in this book, it looks at family relationships both between siblings and between parents and children, also touches on the impact of divorce and the issues of peer pressure and bullying as well as the central themes of love and religion.
Its an engrossing and visually enthralling read, with beautiful words and lush visuals. The title “Blankets” links both the family and romantic storylines, as we see Matthew fighting over and sharing blankets with his brother, and then being given a handmade blanket by Raina.
“..with skin as soft and pale as moonlight, the bones beneath her skin tangling and rearranging, rising along the iliac crest and dipping into the clavicles …the rhythm of her movements..curling, sprawling…her contours lapping like waves around the blankets …”
Reviewed by:
Annette Jordan
Added 21st February 2020