“Rich and wide as the Euphrates river along whose banks it begins and ends, Elif Shafak has woven with masterful care and compassion one immigrant family’s heartbreaking story.”
I remember when I and a friend established a book-reading-club; we claimed “Honor” to be the first book to read.
The novel starts with a prison when Iskender inhales the first breath of freedom. The story begins from the end to the first.
Honor a book about twins, culture, anger, love and a virgin victim written by Turkish author “Elif Shafak.”
A Kurdish family that have got eight girls. Jamile and Pembe are the last twins.
The accidents start when Pembe travels to London owning her family. Pembe’s husband does not come back home often, so Pembe meets another man. Iskender realizes and wants to clean up the matter.
The day the boy takes action, Jamila travels to London and the tragic begins. The story takes place from 1945 to 1991 in different parts, and the arrangement of the actions are not chronological, you will travel a lot while reading.
Reviewed by:
Mr. Tania Ahmed
Added 28th December 2016