“This book of maths problems is designed to bring fun into the problem solution process with activity sheets alongside the sutras.”
Vedic Mathematics is a term given to a set of 16 Sutras or formulae derived from words which was apparently crafted during Vedic times. This form of calculation was apparently rediscovered during the early twentieth century by Sri Bharani Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj. In 1960 the Maharaj wrote a book on the 16 sutras which was published under the title of Vedic Mathematics.
Enthusiasts of the Vedic Maths school believe that any mathematical problem can be solved mentally with the help of these sutras. They claim that the method is more unified that modern mathematical methods, in practice what they do is make multiplication and addition faster with the additional advantage that the mental process can be written down.
Gaurav Tekriwal took the Vedic Maths platform and used it to teach high speed mental maths to students. He had the additional advantage of having been mentored by Shakuntala Devi famed for being India’s human computer.
This book of maths problems is designed to bring fun into the problem solution process with activity sheets alongside the sutras. There are also popular puzzles like KenKen, Kakuro and Alphametics.
The whole draws influences from ancient civilisations to make the process fun for children.
Reviewed by:
Anjana Basu
Added 26th February 2018