“Objects so sharp you expect a paper cut from your Kindle while reading.”
After devouring Gone Girl in two sittings I wanted more so I thought I’d check out Flynn’s other novels. For me, Sharp Objects was next and after the thrilling ride I’d already encountered I couldn’t wait to get started.
This was Gillian Flynn’s debut novel and it won several awards, I’m not at all surprised as it’s exciting, thrilling and definitely keeps you hanging.
Camille Peaker is a journalist, forced to go back to her small hometown to report on a possible serial killer, as soon as Camille arrives back at her family home she finds herself, like many of us falling into her childhood ways and insecurities. I really liked Camille, in fact I’m a real fan of Flynn’s in depth characters, and this slightly damaged but spunky reporter has you rooting for her all the way through.