“Nostalgic and beautifully grotesque, this novel is delightfully baroque and, although short, so striking it simply will never leave you.”



A story of a mysterious young man, Edward Boychuck, who survived brutal forest fires that raged through Northern Ontario communities goads a photographer. She tracks the reputed fire-blinded wanderer to a make-shift camp. Although her quarry eludes her, his story is revealed to her by the two elderly men who seek to live their remaining lives in freedom and solitude and a new visitor emerging from the cocoon of an old life of tyranny and torment.

As these characters discover and interpret the story of Boychuk from an unpredicted source, life, death, love and loss are treated with haunting subtlety and solid impact.

It is a book that speaks to all ages; a rare artifact, indeed. Mesmerizing and languid in places, it is a short book for a long hot bath in soft light while holding a stiff cocktail and leaving some time to ruminate (because you won’t be able to help yourself). This book is beautiful in a way that cannot be explain, it must simply be experienced.



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Added 11th February 2016