“This fine family saga tells of relatives pulled apart by war, of family members forced into combat against each other in a harsh landscape of death and suffering.”
Two sets of cousins, Boer and British, find their destinies inexorably intertwined in the politics and mayhem of the conflict.
From Transvaal to Victorian England, the cousins form strong bonds, which are tested on the battlefields of South Africa.
The historical background of this book provides an interesting canvas for the character-driven family saga. It is one of those (thick) books you never want to end.
I became quite distraught towards the end, anticipating soon not having these “people” in my life. Personally, this is what I consider the ultimate strength of this debut author – her ability to create characters so believable and easy to identify with.
The very well researched background of the Anglo-Boer War remained a framework that was secondary to the emotional involvement with the diverse cast of characters.
Well worth the read, prepare yourself to fall in love, spill a tear at times and even shout at the author for dispensing with your favourite characters!
Reviewed by:
Fred H
Added 5th August 2016