“Hyzy’s research into the backstage kitchen secrets of the White House gives the series a special savor that will make you hungry for more!”
The book opens with Olivia Paras, aka Ollie, the Executive Chef of the White House receiving a call early in the morning, from the chief usher of the White House – and it can only mean trouble.
The night before the book begins, the President hosted a dinner. And one of the guests died while eating.
The deceased man was Carl Minkus, a big shot with the National Security Agency. He was a stalwart fighting terrorism and alone was responsible for the prosecution of more than a 1000 suspected terrorists. He was as much admired as he was feared. He had plenty of enemies, so his death reeks of foul play. Ollie and the members of the White House kitchen are chief suspects of the Secret Service and they are banished from the kitchen.
Knowing her penchant for getting involved and investigating herself and getting involved, her Secret Service boyfriend, Tom, has been given the not-so-pleasant task of keeping her in line and prohibiting her from interfering in the investigation.
Amidst all this, her mother and grandmother came to visit, and she could look at the suspension as perfect family time. But, she feels responsible for her staff and the kitchen, and she has a hard time sitting around doing nothing.
But, when she becomes a target for a newspaper columnist, and her mother starts showing interest in Kap, a man who is connected to Carl Minkus, couple with her strained relation with Tom; it just becomes too much for Ollie. Somehow, she has to get back into the kitchen, and find the killer.
Will she and her staff be cleared off the charges?
Will they be reinstated in time for the Easter Egg hunt?
Once again, Julie Hyzy does a fabulous job with Ollie and her adventures.
This series is an absolute delight to read. This book was eggscellent as well!
I fully recommend it.
5/5 for me.
Reviewed by:
Ranjini Sen
Added 10th January 2018