“November Road is a thriller that defies categorization. A triumph of plot and prose and a brilliant depiction of the contradictions of 1960s America, the innocence, the violence, and the longing.”


Review based on Advance Readers Copy. Publication set for October 9, 2018. A novel with the backdrop being the Kennedy Assassination.

Frank Guidry works for Carlos Marcello in New Orleans. Frank is asked to drive a car to Dallas and drop it off right near the Texas Book Depository on November 20, 1963. Once he hears about the assassination, and certain people involved with that car and other things being killed, it doesn’t take Frank too long to figure he is next on the list. Even though he is a trusted man working for Carlos for a long time, he knows how the game is played so he goes on the run. In the meantime, a very high level hit man has been assigned the hit on Frank, so the chase begins in ernest.

In Oklahoma, Charlotte Roy has had it wither her alcoholic husband so she grabs her two little girls and the family dog one night while her husband is out bar hopping and she decides to get in the car and leave Oklahoma for good. Heading West, she has a long lost aunt living in LA so she decides to head in that direction.

Eventually, Frank and Charlottes destinies will connect, leading us an an adventure that is very compelling.

Well though out and written, this is a book with all of the elements of a terrific chase novel. Includes a cast of many wild characters the story moves along smoothly, catching you up In the tension as Frank tries to stay alive, and Charlotte just wants to begin a quiet new life. A real page turner.

Highly recommended.


Reviewed by:

Richard Franco

Added 29th September 2018

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Richard Franco