“A compelling psychodrama that is full of surprising, stimulating reflections on creativity, art, culture, power structures, parenthood, and the moral questions that animate our lives . a novel of deep insight and scarring honesty.”


This story, narrated by a woman to someone named Jeffers, tells the story of the time she met a well know painter called L, whom she invites to come visit her at her home which she shares with her husband Tony and her daughter Justine.
It is the time of the pandemic and it is not easy to travel, but after awhile he arrives and comes with a friend named Beth. They make themselves at home in a guest house, which is a short distance from the main house.

Once L moves in, everyone’s lives are affected. His strong personality dominates everyone, and his presence begins to cause a strain amongst everyone there. Justin’s boyfriend is also staying at the house and he becomes enthralled with the artist.
The book is a good study of how unexpected pressures in life can cause so many changes in all those who are caught in the path of these pressures.

M, the narrator has the most to lose as this invitation that came from her is bringing about consequences she wasn’t prepared for.
The book is based on an actual event but it involved the writer DH Lawrence, not a painter.
A very interesting look at a truly awkward situation, and at 180 pages it is a quick read.


Reviewed by:

Richard Franco

Added 26th July 2021

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Richard Franco