“A delightful comedy of errors from the funniest female writer around.”



Kinsella pulls the heart strings with her charming and humorous novel The Undomestic Goddess. The protagonist Samantha Sweeting is a twenty nine years old high powered lawyer who is about to be made a partner at Carter Spink one of the biggest law firms in London. Investing 200 hours a week at office Samantha has no home life.

Though completely useless domestically she has her life totally chalked out until one day. Samantha makes a horrendous mistake that is going to cost her law firm a Multi million loss. Going through an utter meltdown she runs away only to find herself in the middle of nowhere.

“Accidently ” Sweeting lands up with the job of a housekeeper the only problem is she doesn’t know how to cook or sew a button or open the ironing board or well anything. The English rural retreat would be a safe haven to hide but how will she possibly manage to do the household chores. And when given a chance will she return to the life she knew and was good at or will she stay in this paradise city with no work pressure only to scrub someone else’s bathroom floor.

The characters like Mr Katterman and Guy Ashby give the novel a realistic edge .The juxtaposition between her two works and abodes is wonderfully brought out. Despite the fact that things happen a little too easily for Samantha and everything is “coincidental ” making the novel too far fetched kinsella’s breezy and enjoyable way of writing makes the novel a perfect read for chick lit /fiction lovers.

The wit and humour are the trademarks of the novel. I consider the novel a funny, light and romantic summer novel. With a fairy tale ending the book is all you need to pass the time on a lazy summer afternoon .


Reviewed by:

Indrima Upadhyay

Added 20th August 2015

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Indrima Upadhyay