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City of the Unexpected turns Cardiff into Dahlesque Extravaganza

By September 18, 2016Authors, Children's Literature, News

As everyone surely now knows, this week marked 100 years since Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff. Born to Norwegian parents on 13th September 1916 in the City of Llandaff (now a city within the city of Cardiff), Dahl went on to be one of the greatest storytellers of his day, and possibly of all time, writing brilliant children’s stories that were 3 parts magic, 1 part dark, with a tablespoon of bizarre, and a pinch of the unexpected, and finding the perfect recipe for tales still loved today.

This weekend, to celebrate the author’s birth, Cardiff was turned into the City of the Unexpected, for a wonderful Dahlesque extravaganza that was frankly one of the best events I have ever had the privilege to be part of. What’s more, most of it was free, though my feet may disagree with the cost today.

The events started at 1pm and run through until 9:30pm, a long day for anyone and as we’d been given the heads up that the finale was the main event, we decided to skip the start of the day and head into town a little later. It did sadly mean we missed the Peach parade down Westgate Street and it looked amazing, but 10 hours wandering around the city was just too much for me!

The fun kicked off at 1pm with a Giant Peach rolling up Westgate Street towards Cardiff Castle. There were protests, there was singing, even the car parks sang as Miss Trunchbull and the Ministry of the Predictable tried and failed to put a stop to the unexpected fun!

After a parade through the streets, the Peach finally came to a stop at Cardiff Castle! We arrived at about 3pm and there were people everywhere, we had no idea where to go, or what was happening so we sat in front of the castle to gaze at the Giant Peach and take stock in the hope that all would become apparent (it did!)

Still unsure of where to go, we followed the crowds and wandered down St. Mary Street, where things started to take a turn to the bizarre. The advertising for the day had told people to look up, look down, and look around for the unexpected, and I was so glad we did! It wasn’t just Dahl, it was Dahlesque with bizarre events on every street, adding to the main parades and attractions.

As we walked past Howell’s department store I noticed two fisherman, in waders and full kit sitting on the first floor windowsill, fishing into the crowd. A market further down the street gave the many crowds the chance to pick up some street food and gifts. As we neared the end of the road we could see a strange and bizarre outdoor bookshop, with acrobatic booksellers, books hanging from trees and the most fantastic display! Some may call it book torture, but we think it was a worthy cause!

Suddenly Miss Trunchbull sounded out through the loudspeakers located all over the city centre, warning The Ministry of the Predictable to Cardiff Central Library, where apparently George had set up his Marvellous Medicine machine.

We headed straight there for half an hour of hilarity, as the kids in the crowd were encouraged to flick bogies into the mixture (with the ones on dad’s shoulders encouraged to wipe what was left onto dad’s neck), drink turtle wax, and mix terrible potions to hilarious effect!

There was a teenager who grew giant ears so he could finally listen to his parents, and a small child turned into a zebra! If Dahl was known for the edge of darkness to his tales, this was certainly captured as Cardiff became the City of the Unexpected.

I suspect he would have been very proud of the city he made his home on Saturday.

When that was over, we heard Mrs Trunchbull again, it was reported that Mr Fox was tightrope walking at the castle! The crowd turned with us and everyone headed off to the imposing castle in the middle of the city centre, but not before we passed some tobogganists, kitted out in winter gear, spraying snow over everyone they passed (yes, really!).

We got to the castle, and I have to say I have never seen so many people in Cardiff all at once, the crowds were absolutely unbelievable! With a sea of people in every direction, it was impossible to get close to the action, but thankfully with big screens up everywhere, no one missed out on the fun.

A tight roping Mr Fox #unexpectedcity #dahl

A photo posted by (@for_reading_addicts) on

After his edgy tightrope session, Mr. Fox could be seen performing a pretty impressive acrobatic display from a crane at the front of the castle, and the cranes even danced with each other, as the unexpected continued! Afterwards the BBC reported that a part of this event was cancelled, due to the sheer crowds, but I can’t say we noticed as we stood there taking in the show.

As we wandered back down St. Mary Street looking for some food, we were offered dead skin shavings by this pair (how could you resist?). They had a sign that read Trumps Ice Cream, and I’m not altogether sure who they were based on, maybe the Twits? But they had the crowd enthralled with their disgustingness, their skin shavings, and the unexpected sprays of water coming from the trolley.

The adults were suitably disgusted, while the children suitably enthralled, making it the perfect Dahl tribute! I have to confess I passed on the skin flakes, despite the fact he ensured us they were ‘fresh scratchings, from my belly last night’.

As the sun began to set, we headed back towards the City Hall where the main event was taking place, and we started hearing about all the events, including children’s choirs in the Victorian Arcades, and more from the Peach Parade that afternoon. Although very well organised, I take my hat off to anyone who managed to catch a little of every event and skit, as I fear it was impossible!

As we walked along the Castle Wall (adorned with animal carvings), we noticed there were some new additions. Sadly we didn’t catch any of them moving, but they had been earlier in the day. Thank goodness for You Tube where we caught up with some of them when we got home. As well as the additional animals, many of the original carvings had been Dahl’ed up too!

Behind the castle in Cooper’s Field there was something waiting around every tree, including giant pieces of cutlery and other ‘Unexpected’ items, making a simple wander through the city, a magical event for the day.

The finale at City Hall was the busiest I have ever seen it as we gathered for the wedding of Ms Ladybird, and Mr Fireman. I’ve been to a few weddings at City Hall, but none quite like this one! It started with a chat from our First Minister, Carwen Jones talking about the Peach that had descended on Cardiff that day. Then we saw the bride get cold feet, before the wedding finally took place on a platform outside City Hall.

The wedding was truly beautiful, and the happy couple were soon joined by James, and Mr. Fox who offered their congratulations. A couple of classical singers appeared on the roof and offered up a beautiful rendition of the Flower Duet that was truly spine-tingling, but the unexpected was promised, so we also got electric guitars, and some funk from Mr. Fox!

The show continued with music, audience participation, a few Mexican waves and lots, and lots of dancing as Mr Fox and the rest of the crowd jeered up the crowds from big cranes, huge screens, and a splendiferous display of weirdness and wonderment.

Just as you wondered how exactly they could top this for the finale, the entire building turned into a volcanic mass of chocolate, as James flew over the crowd in his Peach, performing acrobatics for the crowd below.

Wow! Singing from the roof. #unexpectedcity #dahl

A video posted by (@for_reading_addicts) on

When you live in a world of special effects, it can be hard to get a wow, but this was definitely wow-worthy and one of the most spectacular shows I have ever seen!

James was amazing, floating over the crowd and lowering down to hi-five the kids, spinning and doing acrobatics in the air, all while suspended below his Giant Peach, to gasps and cheers from the crowd.

Dahl would have been proud, and I was certainly proud of my home city this weekend!

In addition to all of that, there have also been paid storytelling events all over the city all weekend, as we turn our beautiful city over to the unexpectedness, and craziness that is Dahl’s legacy!

I took lots, and lots of videos and pictures, not all included in this article. You can view most of them on our Instagram.

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