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Collection of Signed, First Edition James Bond Novels to Sell for Almost £500,000

By February 8, 2021Literature, News

If you’re a fan of the world’s most famous spy, and you’ve got some serious cash to spare, then you may want to pick up a collection of first edition James Bond novels, many of which contain dedications to friends and lovers by their author Ian Flemming.

The collection consists of all 14 of Flemming’s Bond novels, in great condition and still in their dust jackets. Ten of the books include personalised dedications, including one to his girlfriend Lisl Popper and the professional golfer Sir Henry Cotton.

The collection also includes a copy of A Field Guide of Birds of the West Indies by ornithologist James Bond, who inspired 007’s name.

“[Fleming] knew the value of books when they were signed and he was quite sparing when he inscribed books to people.

“I think its fair to say he only inscribed books to people he liked,” said Dr. Aktkinson, who helped secure the collection for a private buyer, so signed Bond novels are quite a rarity. Speaking of the copy signed to Flemming’s then-girlfriend, Atkinson said: “She was called Lisl Popper and was Austrian.

“He met her in a bar in Kitzbuhel when he was 19 and she tripped him up, which he found hilarious.

“They had a bond throughout their life and she was one of the people that he left £500 to in his will.”

Another of the inscriptions is to Wing Commander Dobson, who helped advise Flemming on the Vulcan bombers used featured in Thunderball. Getting the collection was no easy task and took Dr. Atkinson several years. “We got them from all parts of the globe and put them together, from auctions and private sales. We wrestled a few from private collections here and there.”

As the BBC reports, the collection is currently being stored in a secure location outside of the UK and is worth £475,000. A signed first edition of Casino Royale sold in 2019 for £55,000 and a first edition of Live and Let Die fetched £30,000. Earlier Bond novels tend to be much rarer as the publisher only printed a limited amount of copies. Casino Royale only got a first-edition print of 4.500 copies, making it much sought after.

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