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For Reading Addicts Reading Challenge 2023 – Read a Rainbow – December

By December 1, 2023Cwts Club Book Club

Well here we are nearly at the end of 2023, another year over. Thank you to everyone who has made this year’s challenge our biggest and best yet. We’ve had so many people sharing their reads and making suggestions, it’s been amazing.

Get thinking about how you would like next year to look. If you have any ideas post a reply on Facebook.

As you know, we are keeping with an inclusive challenge again this year with the three options, Easy, Hard, and Super Reader. This year’s monthly category is, “Read the Rainbow”, a different colour will be picked each month, and you can choose to either read a book with that coloured cover or with the colour in the title. There will also be an alphabetical challenge, once again by author’s name.

Hopefully, this will mean that everyone can join in, whether you read one book a month or three or more!

December’s categories are:-


Read a book by an author whose name begins with a W, X, Y or Z.

Here are just a few suggestions for each letter:

Kit de Waal, Andy Weir, Oscar Wilde, Nico Walker. Ruby Wax, Suzanne Walker, Tennesse Williams, Jeanette Winterson.

Xinran, Rebecca Xibalba, Xenophon, Diana Xarissa, Jenny Xie.

Hanya Yanagihara, Banana Yoshimoto, Charles Yu, Malala Yousafzai, Nicola Yoon, W.B. Yeats.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Emile Zola, Leni Zumas, Markus Zusak, Gabrielle Zevin, Yevgeny Zamyatin.


Read a book with Gold or Silver in the title or with a Gold or Silver cover.

Here are a few suggestions from the members of The Cwts Club Discussion Group.

The Goldfinch – Donna Tartt

The Silver Arrow – Lev Grossman

Silver Wedding – Maeve Binchy

Silver Star – Jeanette Walls

Read a book by an author whose name begins with a W, X, Y or Z (or all four!) and read a book with Gold or Silver in the title or with a Gold or Silver cover.

As with all our previous challenges, pick a book from our list, pop along to your local bookshop or library, order something online, or pick up something that’s already in your TBR pile.

Don’t forget to share what you are reading in our Cwts Club Discussion Group.

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