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Help Support This Wonderful Woman Using Twitter to Get Books to Those Who Need Them

By June 13, 2020Culture, News

Even the most optimistic person would agree that times are pretty tough right now. As if the world being in lockdown due to Covid-19 wasn’t bad enough, protests have broken out across the globe following the killing of George Floyd by police officers in the United States. While we’ve certainly seen some of the worst humanity has to offer over the past few months, we’ve also seen communities coming together to overcome adversity, as well as individuals who are going above and beyond to help their fellow humans. One such individual from has taken to Twitter to help people get their hands on informative books that can make the world a better place.

User Maja posted a video on Twitter, reaching out to those who wish to educate themselves on topics of race, justice and the system, but don’t have the means to do so. She asks that these people send her the name of the book they’d like to read, and she will do her best to get the book to them. The video also asks anyone interested in helping either financially, or by donating books, to get in contact and help get books to those who need them.

If there’s a book you’re struggling to get hold of, or you’d like to help the cause, you can message Maja either via her Instagram or her AskFM page. We think Maja’s project is a wonderful way to educate, and is a great example of people who make the best of a bad situation. We hope the project is an enormous success and we urge our readers to support her anyway they can.

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