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Hogwarts has a New IT Boss, and He has Tumblr

Jonathan Dart is a Muggle with a new job

It’s a well known fact – or at least one that Hermione knows – that muggle technology goes all haywire around Hogwarts thanks to all the magic, it’s how we knew that Rita Skeeter wasn’t using a muggle ‘bug’. But it seems that someone has worked around that problem as Hogwarts has a new IT guy and you can follow his daily life in the wizarding castle on Tumblr.

If you ever wondered what life in the castle is like for the average muggle, you’re about to find out as the IT guy attempts to navigate the moving corridors, explain to the headmaster why ‘Alohomora’ isn’t a suitable password, and the problem of installing Wifi under the lake.

It all starts here:

A hilarious and promising start, and for those of you who love the Potterverse, there are plenty of further references back to the stories. The IT guy knows this castle well, or he’s learning at least:

Pretty soon, IT guy Jonathan Dart is going to learn all about the wizarding world, including all the food, and drink:

We don’t want to spoiler the rest, you can catch up with Jonathan Dart, new IT guy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and read all the posts in chronological order here.

We’ll definitely be following him from the For Reading Addicts Tumblr page.

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