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Norwegian Wood set to be Seasonal Hit

By October 13, 2015New Releases

Norwegian Wood: Chopping, Stacking and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way

While pottering about the house this morning I had the radio on in the background, listening to the BBC Radio 2 Breakfast show and on the show was one Lars Mytting. Immediately upon hearing it was an author interview I tuned my ears in to Lars talking about his new book, Norwegian Wood: Chopping, Stacking and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way.

Now I have to admit I’m not a wood chopper but it was interesting to hear how truly enthusiastic the men on the show were about chopping wood, the best ways to stack it, making patterned woodpiles, and getting a real fire going. It was enthusiasm you rarely hear outside sports talk and when I headed over to the BBC Radio 2 Facebook page I saw a comments thread that can only be described as wood porn!

I can’t believe how obsessed men are with woodpiles, chopping wood and stacking it. This is crazy, and there’s a whole science and skill to the thing. We’re talking speciality axes, wood cut to the perfect optimum length for burning and ways to get savvy with your stacking.

It seems man’s fascination with fire is never ending. Since listening to the show this morning, I’ve heard a man in the shop talking about this new book and three of my friend’s have posted pictures on social media of their husband’s reading it.

We never get to rave about men’s books, but we think this is going to be a huge hit. I’m not sure I’ve done the book justice in my write up, I’m more than happy to just turn the central heating up a notch!

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