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Rare bat found in museum library

By March 1, 2019Libraries, News

The MERL (Museum of English Rural Life) is owned and run by the University of Reading, and specialises in examining the lives of farmers, craftspeople, and other rural folk in England. Their collection is vast and diverse, and offers an insight into how rural communities still shape our lives today.

Collections of rare and interesting books are stored in the UMASCS (University Museums and Special Collections Services) and it seemed one day they had a special security guard on duty… A small, furry, and nocturnal volunteer- the Nathusius’ Pipistrelle.

Volunteer, and bat specialist, Rose-Ann Movosvic was working at The MERL when she heard a cry of “BAT! BAT IN THE LIBRARY!” coming from down the hall from the UMASCS. Knowing she could not only help the person confronted by the bat, but also help identify the bat itself, Movosvic heeded the call of the bat signal.

Here is the Twitter thread detailing the ordeal…

Merlin the bat now has his own library card… Dreams do come true!

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