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For Reading Addicts 2018 Reading Challenge

By December 10, 2017Cwts Club Book Club

A New Year, A New Challenge

OK, Reading Addicts, in 2017 we’ve travelled around the world and hopefully, if you’ve joined in, you’ve read some new authors and maybe revisited some old favourites.

For 2018 we decided to do something different and asked you to vote for your favourite categories for this year’s challenge.

The results of the top 12 look like this

A biography or a memoir
A book of short stories
A novel set during a war
A dystopian or speculative fiction novel
A play
A poetry collection
A mystery or thriller
A children’s or YA book
An epistolary novel
A gothic novel
A story with an unreliable narrator
A book nominated for an award in 2018

There are no rules how you should complete this challenge, we will post suggested reading lists for each category and in the discussion group I’m sure people will share their own suggestions too. If you want to download a printable version to tick off you can do that here (pdf).

Happy reading, get over to Cwts Club Discussion Group to see how everyone plans to tackle the challenge.

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