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I was doing my usual thing of flicking through the internet looking at bookish things when I came across a list of hysterical book titles.

What else could I do but compile one of our very own, have a look through these, I promise you, every single one is a genuine, published book that you can have on your bookshelves.

The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories

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The Best Dad Is A Good Lover.

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What’s Your Poo Telling You?

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Anybody Can Be Cool (But Awesome Takes Practice)

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Does God Ever Speak Through Cats?

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Make Your Own Sex Toys

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Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal.

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How Not To Be A Dick (When You Grow Up)

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How To Avoid Work

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Learning To Play With A Lion’s Testicles

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You’ve Had Worse Things In Your Mouth

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Images You Should not Masturbate to

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The History Of Lesbian Hair

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Living With Crazy Buttocks

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Scouts In Bondage

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I’ve had such fun finding all these books; there are so may out there I may have to compile a part two.