Literary Adventures in Paris
As the plane came in to land at Orly I looked out across the city at night, sparkling with a million lights. Then I saw the Eiffel Tower, twinkling high above everything around it. That’s when I got the feeling, I always get it when I travel, and Paris is somewhere you can really run with it. The feeling that reminds me I’m on an adventure, the adventure is my life and, in the words of the wise Doctor Who “We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?”
Goodbye laundry, cooking, dishes and school run, my daily grind was behind me and was seeing the world through fresh eyes, the rooftops, the architecture, the crowds of pretty girls and handsome boys drinking wine in a haze of Gauloise smoke. Suddenly all the normal stuff seemed storybook, magical, inspiring and I was reminded of that great Woody Allen movie ‘Midnight In Paris’ and the literary lives that have walked the streets and felt that same inspiration.