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“This tiny library was the brainchild of  Sandrine Brasseur, who tells us about it in this piece.”

The Flying Books House - Medicina

There was a phone booth in the center of our little town, Medicina near Bologna that no one used anymore. Seeing different reading points in Belgium and France, I had the idea to transform it in a public library opened all the day (and night) and where people put loved books only (no garbage). We use only reused material.

The first goal is of course to popularise literature, the second one is to create relationship between the users introducing personal comments in the borrowed books.

In the future, I hope we could organize events where the guests will have the litterature as common points, to allow each other to get acquainted.

We had the agreement of the city and the help of the reading group of the Public library and of the Aquiloni Association that organize activities for children and propose projects as painting schools with joyful colors.


~ Sandrine Brasseur

Address: Medicina, nr Bologna, France.