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The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

We all love a good library and there are some beautiful examples around the world. Like churches for bibliophiles these sacred houses full of books and magic too. Even browsing through the photographs you can almost smell that sweet vanillin scent and the whispering of the pages.

Even the most boring municipal library contains magic inside, but for this selection of libraries the magic is plain to see.

These are selected by me, from around the world and I hope you enjoy browsing some of the world’s most beautiful libraries with me.

Trinity College Library – Dublin

Based at Trinity College and the University of Dublin. The largest library in Ireland, Trinity College Library is a legal deposit and copyright library.

The Theological Hall of the Strahov Library in Prague

Part of the Strahov Monastry the Theological Hall of the Stahov Library in Prague is beautifully decorated with Stucco decorations and paintings from the 1720s.

Central Library – Stockholm

This library is pretty beautiful anyway, but this picture shows a mock up of what a possible new wing will look like.

Law Library – Munich

The best library I ever saw I think, and definitely my favourite: The Law Library at Munich.

Abbey Library of St Gall – Switzerland

The oldest library in Switzerland, the Abbey Library of St Gall holds 2,000 manuscripts dating from the 8th to the 15th century.

Coventry University Learning Centre

From the UK, here’s Coventry University Learning Centre looking very modernistic and futuristic.

Library Hall, Klementinum- Prague

This is Library Hall, Klementinum in Prague in the Czech Republic and it’s simply divine. Do libraries get any better than this?

Tana Art University Library – Tokyo

Tama Art University Library in Tokyo combines brutalist concrete with smooth curved lines for dramatic effect.

Magdalen College Old Library – Oxford

We couldn’t have a best libraries list and not include Magdalen College Old Library at Oxford University.