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Stephen King – Cookie Jar, A New Short Story

By June 29, 2016New Releases

Stephen King is renowned for embracing new technologies and writing stories made specifically for a certain format. His 2009 novel UR was written specifically for the Kindle and since then he’s written novels that are only available online, as Audio and many other formats.

He is also known for offering up short stories for free, making them available online for anyone to enjoy and here we have the latest offering from Stephen King – Cookie Jar.

The story was written and released in full for VQR Magazine. It’s a nice short read and according to the magazine should only take around 45 minutes to finish (although I read it in half an hour).

Thirteen year old Dale has been given a project to do; he has to find out some specifics about his oldest living relative. Rhett Butler (Oh yes and he predates that dreadful man from Gone With the Wind) at  90 fits the bill perfectly.

Dale begins recording his great grandpa’s memories of life before TV, but it’s after the recorder is turned off that Rhett’s story becomes truly King.

VQR Magazine  have made it available to read in full HERE.

So fellow Constant Readers, and those of you who have always perhaps felt that Stephen King’s writing is over verbose and long winded, why not give this classically spooky short story a try. Go on dip your literary toe into the murky waters of King’s mind and if you like it, maybe leave a tip.

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