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Weapon of Mass Instruction: The Book Tank

By March 9, 2015May 15th, 2019Culture, Literature

We’ve heard of some weird and wacky ways of promoting literature but none quite so weird as the idea of eccentric Argentinean artist Raul Lemesoff who has taken to the streets in a tank full of books!

The Arma de Instruccion Masiva, that’s the Weapon of Mass Instruction to the English-speaking world is a 1979 Ford Falcon converted into a tank style vehicle complete with a swivelling turret and non-functioning gun, not to mention space for 900 books!

The story has gone viral on Facebook today but the project actually took place in 2010 when Raul Lemesoff took the the Arma de Instruccion Masiva to battle ignorance on the streets of Buenos Aires. Here’s a video of his ‘tank’ on the streets, thankfully his only demand is that people read what he gives them.

Here are some pictures of the tank, if you’re finding it hard to envisage:

tank2 tank1

And a video of Raul himself with his Weapon of Mass Instruction. The video isn’t in English but there are subtitles available, I hope you enjoy!

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