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10 Heart Warming Quotes from Rosamunde Pilcher

By September 22, 2016September 22nd, 2019Authors, Quotations

Rosamunde Pilcher (22nd September 1924 – 6th February 2019) was a British author of many short stories, and no fewer than 28 romance novels written between 1949 to 2000 when she finally retired from writing after fifty years.

Pilcher was born in Cornwall, and went on to serve the Women’s Royal Naval service in her youth before eventually marrying a war hero and moving to Scotland.

Her first title, a romance novel was published by Mills and Boon, under the pseudonym Jane Fraser. Pilcher went on to publish ten novels under that name before switching to her real name in 1955 with the publication of Secret to Tell.

While popular with women and lovers of romance, it wasn’t until 1987 when Pilcher wrote The Shell Seekers that her name hit the mainstream and she started to enjoy recognition and popularity. The author enjoys popularity in Germany in particular with many of her books hitting the bestsellers list, and going on to be adapted for television.

Through the years the author was nominated for and won several awards, before retiring from writing in 2000. In 2002 she became Rosamunde Pilcher OBE after she was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire by the queen. As such a prolific author, Pilcher is naturally quotable and so here we have 10 of her most heart warming quotes to give you a taste of her writing.

Happiness is making the most of what you have, and riches is making the most of what you’ve got.

And the wicked thing is, that when we’re really upset, we always take it out on the people who are closest and whom we love the most.

Life is so extraordinary. Wonderful surprises are just around the most unexpected corners.

Without something to believe in, life would be intolerable.

Things happen the way they’re meant to. There’s a pattern and a shape to everything…Nothing happens without a reason…Nothing is impossible

Fear knocked at the door, Faith went to answer it, and no one was there.

Marriage isn’t a love affair. It isn’t even a honeymoon. It’s a job. A long hard job, at which both partners have to work, harder than they’ve worked at anything in their lives before.

It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. Arrival often brings nothing but a sense of desolation and disappointment.

She may not have believed in God, but I’m pretty certain God believed in her.

The greatest gift a parent can leave a child is that parent’s own independence.

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