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9 Year Old Becomes one of UK’s Youngest Published Authors

9 year old Isabel Harris has become one of the UK’s youngest published authors after winning a Book People’s competition and her book, The Moon Man goes on sale this week!

Isabel Harris won the Book People’s first Bedtime Story competition, which challenged children aged between 5 and 11 to create a picture book on the theme of animals. The winning story was chosen from more than 1,000 entries and will be available to buy from June 1st, with all proceeds going to the charity Action for Children.

Her story follows two groups of animals friends who view a scarecrow in very different ways. As part of the prize, Isabel also got the opportunity to work with editors and designers at independent publishing company, Little Tiger and was paired with acclaimed illustrator Ada Grey whose artwork brought Isabel’s story to life.

Isabel has been writing stories since she was 4 years old and got the inspiration for The Moon Man from the animals she sees in the garden when she visits her gran and grandpa. She’s thrilled at the win, not least because she hopes to become a published author when she grows up, managing that feat at just 9 years old!

The Moon Man will be sold exclusively through with all profits going to charity.

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