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Afghan Teacher goes the Extra Mile

By September 13, 2016Children's Literature, Culture, News, Video

We hear so many stories of displacement and lack of education in Afghanistan. The Taliban, American invasion and years of war have taken their toll on this beautiful country, but where there is human kindness, there is always hope and one Afghan teacher is showing that often each of us can make the biggest change.

He collects books, and then heads out on his little library, a bicycle, to deliver them to children who can’t get to school. Their little faces say it all, check it out!

Saber Hosseini, who runs the library visits every weekend and holiday and he loves to see the joy on the children’s faces as he delivers the books.Through donations, his small collection of books from the bike library has grown considerably. He first started with 200 and now has more than 3,500 books to lend out to children, who otherwise would get no education at all.

It doesn’t stop there though, with so many books he’s now opened the first local public library, getting the children even more interested in literature, and improving literacy in his town. It’s a wonderful, inspiring story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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