Only a couple of days to go until my bookish journey begins – high time that I’m asking you for must-see bookshops around the world!
I still find it hard to believe but it’s true: starting on July 10th, I will travel around Europe for about one month and visit the most beautiful and extraordinary bookshops! 🙂
Everything started with an article I wrote just a couple of weeks ago: “In bookshops around the world – my dream of traveling the world” (link to the German version)
Okay, okay: maybe I have to explain this part a bit more detailed. My name is Torsten, I’m 34 years old and actually a bookseller from Germany – now doing online journalism for a big bookshop company over here (Mayersche).
So, coming back to the article I wrote: just a few days after its release, three travel guide publishers (Lonely Planet, Marco Polo and Dumont) came across it and told me that they would like to support my dream coming true by giving me an Interrail-ticket for Europe. And after even my employer agreed, I will now travel around Europe (and in the next step: maybe and hopefully around the world) to visit the most beautiful bookshops.
So now it’s also up to you: I need some suggestions from your side! 🙂
Which bookshop should I visit in any, any case? Which bookshop is the most beautful and / or special one you’ve ever been in? Which one do you plan to visit one day?

Please do not hesitate to follow me and my 100 bookshops adventure around via Facebook I will share my impressions and a lot of pictures at this page … and you can give me additional + direct advices, suggestions etc. there. Of course you will also find pictures and informations on “For reading addicts”; Kath already gave me some awesome travel-tips and I simply love this community!
So: Hope to read you soon … and please let me know your favourite bookish places from all around the world!
Best, Torsten

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