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Bedtime Stories for Stressed Out Adults may be what we all need

By September 28, 2018New Releases

Do you miss the days of going to bed with a fairytale and soothing all the worries of the day away? Well there’s a new book coming and it’s designed to recapture those feelings of bedtime stories and will hopefully help you off to sleep and restore our anxious minds.

Bedtime Stories for Stressed Out Adults is out in October and is full of best loved short stories, extracts and poems, all designs to calm and restore your anxious mind, helping you off to a good night’s sleep.

We all know a good night’s sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing, but in this modern, stressful world that isn’t always possible. Past research has already shown that reading is good for our mental health and reading before bed is especially beneficial. This new book takes those facts and runs with them, bringing you stories designed to calm and soothe.

With classic stories from authors such as Oscar Wilde, Guy de Maupassant, and Katherine Mansfield, along with tales from our childhood and magical poetry, this lovely book will help to soothe your mind and hopefully gently carry you off to sleep.

It’s out October 18th and is available for pre order now.

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