“Urgent, visceral writing–I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. A beautiful, heartrending exploration of male friendship.”
Jack and Wynn are college friends who are on a weeks long canoe trip down the river, a total of 150 something miles. They are in the back country where you have to be airlifted in and out; where animals have never encountered humans before. The story starts on the day they smell smoke. Wynn climbs a tree and sees there is an approaching forest fire….a really big one. They feel they have enough time to outrun it though. Shortly after this they come across two drunk fishermen. They try to warn them of the approaching fire but are met with drunken disdain, so they go on their way. The next night they hear a couple arguing in the distance and feel it is their duty to warn them as well, but they can’t find them. A day later the man shows up at their camp alone, claiming his wife is missing. Jack and Wynn decide to do a quick search for themselves, they can’t leave a woman out there alone! What if her husband just didn’t see her? From that point, it is a race! A race for survival.

This is an exciting, adventure of a book! There are no overly wordy conversations. They are simple and concise, as you’d imagine these characters actually spoke. It is very atmospheric, nature is a major character – the river and the fire. I could feel and smell the crisp, morning air next to the river; the wood smoke and heavy, burning fire infested air.
There are several elements in this plot; friendship, seeing the good in people and being a good person but ultimately its survival. It is a thriller and has several twists – that are all absolutely believable. It was very exciting and I read it in less than 24 hours (it would have been less if I didn’t have things to do). I highly recommend this book!
Reviewed by:
Leah Filsinger
Added 25th November 2020

This is a story about two good old friends Jack and Wynn canoeing down a long river that includes rapids, waterfalls and is located in the middle of nowhere.
It is the story of an approaching wildfire, a wife, whom her husband claimed was missing after an argument, found gravely injured and almost near death and a race against time to save their own lives.
Their are questions to be answered. Did the husband do this to his wife, or was it the two drinking buddies who appear carefree and out to have a good time. And can they beat the fire to safety.
This is a real page turner. The excitement builds slowly but surely and the story will keep you wanting to keep reading until you finish this excellent book. In my opinion by far this is the authors best book, and one of the top books I have read this year so far.
Highly recommended.
Reviewed by:
Richard Franco
Added 6th May 2019