“A review of the entire Wheel of Time Series”
I’ve decided to review this as a series because it *is* a series. One continuous story from beginning to end and, whilst you might read the first few only, you won’t just read a few in the middle.
This series has its critics and there are things about it that annoy. I find Jordan’s depiction of Nynaeve’s character for example, descends into the downright farcical on occasion. However, given the scope of this work, it would be surprising if there wasn’t the odd flaw. There are 14 books in the series, none of which are less than 600 pages.
Okay, so that’s the caveats out of the way, now onto the good stuff. This is a great story pure and simple. It spans thousands of years, with a huge cast of characters. Jordan draws from a variety of sources – Arthurian legend to Eastern philosophy – to create an incredibly detailed world with multiple nations and societies.