It seems that no matter how honest you may be, how hard you try and how hard you work, there is always someone out there who is just waiting to pull you down and take what is rightfully yours.
The Big Green Bookshop in Wood Green was a victim of the greed and selfishness of such a person when they had their till takings swiped on April 7th. Fortunately they are also the recipients of the generosity that humanity so often displays when they are made aware of these acts as booklovers unite to replace stolen money from the bookstore.
Whilst Tim, one of the members of staff was helping a customer with an enquiry it appears that the quick fingered thief has hopped behind the counter, opened the till and taken around £600 in takings, which, for a small independent book store in an unfashionable part of London is a lot of money.
Fortunately Booklovers everywhere have come together to replace the lost money and to ensure that the Big Green Bookshop will not lose out because of the actions of a despicable thief. Sam Jordison, journalist and the co-director of Galley Beggar Press has put together a Crowdfunding page asking for donations to help Simon and his staff remain in business and it has done amazingly well with donations flooding in from across the globe.
Well done Booklovers, we will not let the thieves and the bullies of this world win. launches a second-hand buy-back scheme

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