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Books due for release in June

By June 3, 2016New Releases

I always look forward to June, it’s the month I can usually expect a new release or two from my favourite authors and this year is no exception. So I apologise in advance for the ‘King clan heavy’ list of books due for release in June that I have collected together for you to add to your TBR lists.

Joe Hill – The Fireman (June 7)

Yes I know this has already been released in the US, but I’m stuck here in Blighty and I have to wait until June 7th for this apocalyptic novel from the man who is more than capable of taking the reins of Horror Writer Extraordinaire.

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The Girls – Emma Cline, (June 14)

This début novel about the obsessions of young women in a Mansonite cult in the late 1960s is looking like being one of this year’s best sellers. It is rumoured that Emma was paid $2million for The Girls and early indications are that it was worth every single penny.

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Infomocracy: A Novel, Malka Older (June 7)

A Sci fi/dystopia crossover novel described by Max Gladstone as ‘A fast-paced, post-cyberpunk political thriller’; Infomocracy is a timely reminder of how carefully crafted and cleverly seeded information can control and manipulate the people and how politics is at the pinnacle of that manipulation.

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The Reactive, Masande Ntshanga (June 7)

Set in Cape Town this is the the story of Lindanathi, a young HIV+ man grappling with the death of his brother, for which he feels unduly responsible. He and his friends sell anti-retroviral drugs and do whatever other menial and low paying jobs they can find in order to survive but when a mysterious man appears and offers to purchase all of his surplus ARVs offering Lindanathi an escape route, is it what he wants?

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Sex Object: A Memoir, Jessica Valenti (June 7)

Author and Guardian US columnist Jessica Valenti explores the painfully funny, often embarrassing, and sometimes illegal moments that shaped her adolescence and young adulthood in New York City.

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Stephen King – End of Watch (June 7)

The final part of the King’s trilogy following Retired Detective Bill Hodges and his detective agency Finders Keepers. The main antagonist of book one lies in his nursing home bed, in what appears to be a permanent vegetative state, but of course this is King, he’s not going to stay there is he? I cannot wait to finish Bill’s story, I just hope he makes it right to the end with me.

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Six new books to add to your TBR lists, I’m in King/Hill heaven this month and I will be lost to the world from June 7th.

Please, if you do treat yourselves to any of these, send us your review, we are always looking for new additions to our reviews pages.

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