To give you a chance to find out more about the team behind the FRA community, we’ve decided to do a monthly round up of our admin reads. We’re all here because we love books, that’s what started this whole thing and so we’re about to give you a taster of what we read.
You know most of our admin, the writers and the team that makes up For Reading Addicts. Some of us you talk to every day, others are regular writers, others work in tech and you never hear of them, but we’re all here all the time making FRA what it is for you.
We all love different books and genres, and so without further ado, here are our admin picks for June based on the books we read during May.
As most of you know I’m in a bit of a reading rut at the moment. I really enjoyed the final instalment of Jennifer Worth’s memoirs this month and I’m definitely going to find some more of this type of historical fiction to read.
However, I have been offsetting my lack of fiction reading by picking up some non-fiction books in between. This month I’ve been reading Filthy English by Peter Silverton, it’s a history of every day swearing and it’s fascinating. I’ve also been flicking through my Oxford book of Idioms for a blog idea.

May’s read was the Soldier Son Trilogy by Robin Hobb, which started off brilliantly then faded into what felt almost like a literary fantasy version of Coronation Street. The family loyalties and the sheer pathetic idiocy of the protagonist Nevare Burville left me veering between wanting to slap him silly and for him to just die and thus stop the book! It did pick up in the final book but it still wasn’t one of Robin’s best efforts.
Other than that, it was The Girl with all the Gifts and the less said about that particular ending the better! Lazy damned authors!
I’m reading The Taming Of The Queen by Philippa Gregory, and Fellside by M. R. Carey, and sometimes listening to audio book of Guards! Guards! and Neverwhere, Gaiman. I’m a bit everywhere right now.
Philippa Gregory is like a safe old aunt I can turn to for a non-strenuous read, just an easy absorption into another world. Gaiman is my go-to for those days I need a fantasy escape, or need a bit of weirdness, and I’ve always got some sort of Terry Pratchett or Harry Potter on audio to fall asleep to. Unlike Shan, I think M. R. Carey is good… I like his style but this release hasn’t grabbed me like his previous one.

I’m reading A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I felt ashamed that I hadn’t read it, and I’m enjoying it very much. A lighthearted twist on the end of the world, it is witty, humorous and insightful.
I’m reading After You by JoJo Moyes – I wanted to know that there was life after losing him… I really loved Me Before You, Moyes is a great writer.

So that’s it, the books we loved and hated during May. See you again next month!

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