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If you’re anything like me then shopping is a chore, something to get done as soon as possible. However all that changes when you enter a bookstore, the heart is racing, the blood pressure is up, are we in heaven? I’m like Pavlov’s dog, just typing this has me salivating. The sweet vanilla scent, the whispering of pages calling your name, I just can’t get enough.

Whenever I travel to a new place I’m always looking out bookstores, but unlike cinemas they aren’t so well marked so I came up with the idea of a bookshop directory, somewhere everyone can submit their favourites so we can create a kind of literary tour of the world.

If you know of, or run a bookshop and you think we should feature it, submit all the details you have here.

Bookshop Directory

Bookshops are listed by country and we hope you enjoy your virtual tour. Please consider sending in your own local bookshop and we’ll feature it on one our pages and show it some love too. As we get more submissions, I’ll add more countries to the list!


El Ateneo Grand Splended - Buenos Aires


Collins Booksellers - Adelaide

Avid Reader - Brisbane

Pictures and Pages - Coburg

Kaleido Books & Gifts - Perth


Cook and Book - Brussels


Livraria Saraiva - Sao Paulo


Tornpages - Ontario

Westside Stories - Ontario

The Bookshop - Penticton

Castle Joe Books - Revelstoke


The Poplar Kid's Republic - Beijing

Librairie Avant-Garde - Nanjing

Costa Rica

Mora Books - San Jose

Czech Republic

Shakespeare a Synove - Prague


Confederate Books - Quito


Diwan Bookstore - Cairo


Librairie La Mandragore - Chalon-sur-Saone

Le Pont Traverse - Paris

Shakespeare & Co - Paris

L'Ame Enchantree - Vezelay


Buchhandlung Lesezeichen - Hillesheim


Atlantis Books - Santorini


Blossom Book House - Bangalore


Hashemi Bookstore - Tehran


The Time Traveller's Bookshop - Cork

The Gutter Bookshop - Dublin

Scéal Eile Books - Ennis

Charlie Byrne's - Galway City


Libreria Bookabar - Roma

Open Door Bookshop - Rome

Libreria Acqua Alta - Venice


Cafebrería El Péndulo - Ciudad Juárez

The Netherlands

Booksellers van Hoogstraten - The Hague

Boekhandel Dominicanen - Maastricht

De Boekenwurm - Maastricht

Waanders in de Broeren - Zwolle

New Zealand

The Piggery - Whangarei


Aida Libros - Asunción


Livraria Bertrand - Lisbon

Tell A Story - Lisbon

Fundacao Livraria Esperanca - Madeira

Livraria Lello - Porto


House of Books - St Petersburg

South Africa

Collector's Treasury - Johannesburg

Rutland Books - Pretoria

Under the Pepper Tree - Western Cape

South Korea

Old Book Alley - Busan


Walden Librería Café - Pamplona

United Kingdom

Mr B's Emporium - Bath

Daunt Books - London

Leakey's Bookshop & Cafe - Inverness

High Rise Books - Vale of Glamorgan


Dog Eared Books - California

Diddley Squat's Books - Florida

Brattle Books - Massachusetts

The Book House - Missouri