Promoting Literacy: The Women’s Prison Book Project CultureVideo December 30, 2015 Promoting Literacy: The Women’s Prison Book Project I’d like to think that we promote literacy in some small way here at For… Kath 0 Love0
Light and Love: Celebrating Diwali Children's LiteratureCultureGuest BlogsLiterature November 10, 2015 Light and Love: Celebrating Diwali From a story of betrayal, jealousy, and kidnapping comes a positive, life-affirming message promoting love… Rowan Jones 0 Love0
The Evolution of Books: From Cave Drawings to Kindles CultureLiterature November 4, 2015 The Evolution of Books: From Cave Drawings to Kindles The Evolution of Books Picking up a book is really one of life’s pleasures. The… Kath 0 Love2
How Have Government Cuts Affected Our Public Libraries? A Passionate and Angry Plea in the Defence of Libraries CultureLibrariesLiteraturePolitical October 17, 2015 How Have Government Cuts Affected Our Public Libraries? A Passionate and Angry Plea in the Defence of Libraries A Passionate and Angry Plea by Sammy Evans. Since the coalition came to power in… Sammy Evans 0 Love0
Weapon of Mass Instruction: The Book Tank CultureLiterature March 9, 2015 Weapon of Mass Instruction: The Book Tank We’ve heard of some weird and wacky ways of promoting literature but none quite so… Kath 0 Love1