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Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards 2016: The Winners and Honours

The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) formed in 1945 and is a not for profit, volunteer run organisation that aims to engage young Australians with literature. The CBCA run a yearly awards ceremony, rewarding children’s books for literary merit and outstanding contribution to Australian children’s literature.

When the CBCA was first founded, Australian children’s books were few, and authors and illustrators were fairly unknown. Now in 2017 the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards are announced, and it’s a whole different ball game as the event now gets global recognition for Australian authors.

The categories are split to encompass all young Australian readers, and this year’s winners in each category are as follows:

The Book of the Year: Older Readers


Cloudwish – Fiona Wood (USUK)


A Single Stone – Meg McKinlay
Inbetween Days – Vikki Wakefield

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The Book of the Year: Younger Readers


Soon – Morris Glietzman (USUK)


Sister Heart – Sally Morgan
Shadow of the Master – Emily Rodda

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The Book of the Year: Early Childhood


Mr Huff – Anna Walker (USUK)


Perfect – Danny Parker
The Cow Trippled Over the Moon – Tony Wilson

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The Picture Book of the Year


Flight – Armin Greder


Ride, Ricardo, Ride – Shane Devries
One Step at a Time – Sally Heinrich

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The Eve Pownell Award for Information Books


Lennie the Legend: Solo to Sydney by Pony – Stephanie Owen Reeder


Phasmid: Saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect – Rohan Cleave
Ancestry: Stories of Multicultural Anzacs- Robyn Siers and Carlie Walker

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