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Confirmation that the art of proofreading is dead

By November 7, 2019Language, On Writing

Proofreading is such an important skill and one not utilised as often as it perhaps should be.

The following newspaper clippings show what a difference a proofreader could have made. Many of the headlines are confusing, worrying, or just plain wrong! Hilarious grammar and eye-popping wording so bad it MUST be done on purpose right?

Whoever was hired to read through and correct any mistakes should hang their heads in shame.

Can’t imagine why…

Not much of a cure then is it?

That word… I do not think it means what you think it means…

Wait… What?


Hmmm… They’re a bit gristly…

yOu dOn’T SaY?!

Amazing discovery!


DAMN YOU BABIES! *shakes fist to sky*

Oh… Oh honey no…

Clearly not…

Planners planning to plan a plan!


*nudge nudge wink wink*

Which genius entomologist came up with this revelation?

Someone is going to be in trouble!

That’s one way to do it I suppose…

One Comment

  • Sherry Sharpnack says:

    The lack of proofreading is why I stopped taking my local paper. I refuse to spend nearly $400/year for a poorly – produced newspaper. I volunteered to proofread for them for a discount on my paper but since it isn’t locally owned any more, I obviously made no headway. I am saddened and disgusted at the lowered standards in local newspapers simply to cut costs for their corporate overlords.

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