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Cwts Club: August 2016

By August 1, 2016News

August is here already and with the start of a new month, it’s the start of a new Cwts Club read. For the month of August, the books you voted most for are Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams with 28 votes, and the Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt (No spoiler Review).

We’re sticking to the two book format that has proved so popular over the last couple of months, and we are attempting to tie each month of 2016 in with our Reading Challenge, so you can choose one, or the other, or even read both if you’re a read avid reader.

As always our book club is run from the Cwts at Reading Addicts, and as always I will launch an event page where people can discuss the books freely mid-month. If you’re a member of the group you should receive an invitation to the event page, but I’ll put a reminder in the group as always. Please be considerate to other members and save any spoiler discussions for the event page, as everyone reads at different times.

While we always recommend supporting your local library or bookshop, links to the book are available below for your convenience.

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