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Dreams of Leaving and Remaining will Examine Brexit’s Tribulations

By November 13, 2018New Releases, Political

With less than six months to go until one of the biggest splits for European politics in living memory, the British public still has far more questions than answers about Brexit. British journalist and novelist, James Meek has been taking a closer look at Brexit and what it will mean for the British public. His findings make for an interesting read in his new book called Dreams of Leaving and Remaining, which is to be published by Verso Books in March.

The referendum vote in the summer of 2016 created one of the biggest divisions between the British public in living memory. Ever since the famous choice for the people of Britain, Meek has been speaking to both sides of the voting fence – the ‘leavers’ and the ‘remainers’.

Within the pages of Dreams of Leaving and Remaining Meek highlights the closing of a Cadbury’s factory that relocated to Poland and the economical questions that such an event brings. He talks with British farmers who have a desire to leave the EU, even with the loss of protection that Europe currently offers them. A significant part of Meek’s research focuses on the ailing National Health Service, which has not only had to cope with massive financial cuts during recent austerity but which also has another huge challenge to address – an ever aging population.

London-based journalist and novelist, Meek is an Orwell Prize winner, who has reported on conflicts around the globe and who has also been writing fiction since the 1990s. According to Leo Hollis, senior editor at Verso Books, Dreams of Leaving and Remaining is “a brilliant and timely dissection of the ancient, primal myths, deeper histories and political folk-legends that we tell ourselves to make sense of the present moment.”

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